
Acts of God

Acts of God


Paperback, 256 pp., Picador USA


Acts of God is a compelling novel of childhood and its secrets - about how the sins of the fathers transform the next generation.



My father used to say that sometimes you think you know a person, only to find out that you don't. That life, when it comes to people, is full of surprises. I've found this to be true. You think you understand someone, only to realize that you didn't. That you were wrong all along. Perhaps this is why I have chosen to live in such a remote place - a ramshackle house on a spit of land on the Pacific Coast.


"I loved it. The writing is superb, and the tension Morris creates between Andrea and Loretta keeps the reader anxious - a beautiful example of the thread of literary suspense."

- Anita Shreve


The River Queen

"The River Queen is my new favorite book. I wish I'd been the one to write something so flawless, so honest and so resonant."

- Jodi Picoult
author of
My Sister's Keeper